What is the current level of risk of a lung attack (COPD exacerbation)?

To determine risk level of the patient, first confirm number of exacerbations in the previous 12 months and then
secondary to this, do they have ≥ 2 further risk factors?

Using exac history and ≥ 2 or more of the following…
FEV 1 pred
CVD/other comorbidity

Treat based on risk and eosinophil levels:

  • In high risk or very high risk patients with EOS ≥100 cells/μL consider ICS

  • ICS is recommended where EOS ≥300 cells/µL

  • ICS is not recommended in patients with EOS <100 cells/μL

Document in clinical records the reason for continuing ICS treatment.

*In previous 12 months; + Includes exacerbations and number of acute OCS prescriptions/ rescue packs.

These treatments and plans should be revisited at every review, for each risk group:

  • Check inhaler technique and medication adherence
  • Offer treatment and support to stop smoking
  • Offer pneumococcal, influenza, COVID-19, and RSV vaccinations
  • Refer to pulmonary rehabilitation if appropriate
  • Co-develop a personalised self-management plan
  • Optimise treatment for comorbidities
  • Signpost to mental health services if appropriate
  • Consider occupational and environmental hazards

REMEMBER patients with an increased risk of exacerbations in the next 12 months include those who have:

  • A past history of COPD exacerbations (identify cause and trigger of these exacerbations where possible)
  • Raised EOS counts and are not on ICS therapy
  • Both COPD and cardiovascular disease

Please note: This is an awareness piece and provides guidance only on a collection of risk factors, with the objective of supporting the direction of patient management. It DOES NOT replace local guidelines.

GB-61721 | DOP: November 2024

Abbreviations: COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonsary Disease; EOS, eosinophils; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; OCS ADR’s, Oral Corticosteroid Adverse Drug Reactions; CAT, COPD Assessment Test; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; MRC,Medical Research Council Questionnaire; CVD, Cardiovascular Disease; SABA, short- acting β2-agonist; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus.

Version 1, 2024. For full list of references please refer to aide-memoire.

This material has been funded by AstraZeneca and co-designed by